Faith Bible Fellowship is a Bible-centered church existing to display God’s glory.
We are a church striving to make disciples, equip disciples, and send disciples.
We believe these are the marks of a Bible-believing, disciple-making church:
- We are grounded in prayer and authentic worship.
- We reach the world through missions and personal evangelism.
- We teach the fullness of God’s Word to empower disciples with sound doctrine.
- We are a faith-family walking together with God to affirm and hold one another accountable.
Jesus is the chief shepherd and King over His church. But as His image bearers, Jesus has endowed others to lead His people on earth. The Bible teaches that the leaders in the church are elders and deacons. .
Jeff Kauffman, Pastor & Elder

As the primary teaching pastor, I honor God by using my talents, passions, and gifts to glorify Him. It is my desire to make disciples of Jesus Christ that live holy lives pleasing to God and to help them to display His love and compassion to this sinful world so that more people will be drawn to Him. I use my life as an example of Christ inside and outside of the faith family. I have given my life to the service of Jesus in a local church to impact the global body of believers as a whole. God has blessed me with teaching, serving, and leadership gifts that I use at Faith to shepherd church members in a sanctifying relationship with our Creator.
By the grace of God, I was born and raised in a Christian home, tied deeply to a local church. At a young age I prayed and confessed Jesus as Lord of my life and was baptized. But it was not until I was in my mid-twenties that I truly surrendered my life to the will, work, and worship of Christ. This was the moment when Christ brought life to my spiritually dead heart and I was born again in the power of the Spirit. It was at this time that God began to call me into pastoral ministry. God has blessed my life with my best-friend and bride, Becky. He has blessed us with 4 beautiful children, my son Sam and 3 daughters, Cara, Katie, and Ellie. God brought our family to Faith in the fall of 2018. I enjoy spending time with Becky and our children as well as with my church family. You might also find me enjoying comic books, good theology books, Pittsburgh sports teams, or taking my dogs, Scarlett and Remy, for a walk.
As you get to know more about me and the church I love, I pray that you also come to know the Savior I delight in deeply and live your life glorifying Him.
Sean McNamara, Lay Elder

I have been a member of Faith over twenty years and have served as a deacon and now as a lay elder. I am the chairman of the Missions committee at Faith but serve wherever I can or am needed. Kristen, my wife, my children Aaron, Joshua, Jadynn and I have a heart for missions work, especially in Africa. We have traveled to South Africa and Zambia on missions trips and are planning trips to the continent in 2023.
Pete Schlenker, Lay Elder
Doug Wynne, Elder Emeritus

I and my wife, Nancy, have been members of Faith since 1977. God has blessed us with many opportunities to serve and lead over the years. The same year that we joined Faith, I became an elder and Sunday school teacher. Together, Nancy and I have been youth group, children’s church and small group Bible study leaders. I have served as Christian Service Brigade Chief Ranger and as a Vacation Bible school leader too. We have two sons Jeff and Tim. Jeff and his wife, Charity, are teachers and have two children. Tim and his wife, Becky, live in Vermont and have three children.
Ken Lynch
Peter Schlenker Jr.